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Sunday, June 21, 2015



Why oh why do restaurants continue to throw this wilted salad mess on a perfectly good plate of food?  This always looks, to me, like maybe some former patron did not finish their salad and so I got the leftovers!  Why not just serve a clean plate of attractively arranged food that was requested? 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Comeback Kid

     Well Now, A lot has happened since my last blog post!  Most importantly a major move from Atlanta Georgia to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Facilitating this move was a job offer from Joseph Vella and his company C2Eventz. 
     Another thing that occurred is, I rediscovered this blog!  I Had purchased a new laptop and with transferring data I had lost the link to it so, I will be getting back into posting on events and other cultural happenings.

     To get started here are some thoughts on Florida Design.

      I am settled in now and have totally embraced the South Florida Lifestyle.  The free and easy spirit here reflects the easy rolling of the ocean waves on a typical day... just go with the flow.

      My favorite design esthetic here is the Mid-Century modern style.  It is clean, non fussy and done correctly, it has a very simple elegance, done wrong it  can be down right kitschy!  Even though moving from Atlanta brought about scaling back on furnishings (moving from 3,700 square feet to 1,200) I still found when I got here that a lot of what I had just did not work.  So I sold or donated and started over with basically a clean slate.  Below are a few photos of my current lifestyle.

Now that I am back I am hoping to develop this site and offer useful advice to all of you.